Berkeley Herbal Center User Experience Case Study


Berkeley Herbal Center’s main revenue driver, a high-ticket certification course, was experiencing dwindling sales and a decreasing window of interest from their audience.

Our Solution:

Our data showed us that the breakdown in interest happened on the certification product page. We redesigned the page to highlight benefits, key details, and to make next steps simple.


Interest in the program doubled between 2021 and 2022.
We redesigned and improved the user experience on the long term course page so much that it more than doubled interest in the program.

Berkeley Herbal Center is a Nonprofit that offers a community herbalist clinic, short courses of herbal study for every level of herbalist, and long term study for aspiring herbalists. The community clinic and short courses are provided year-round and serve as supplemental income for the time between their long term programs, which are high-ticket and keep the school afloat. Along with COVID, we saw that interest in the long term programs were dwindling, even with everything pointing to an increasing interest in natural self-care. We thought it might be a user experience issue more than anything else.

And we were right!

We love when data tells us that the answer is: website optimization for user experience!

Using Data to Understand User Behavior

We took a look at their behavioral data from a marketing campaign to where people drop off from the website. We found that people left the site on the product page. So we added hotjar to page, and made incremental updates while we watched how people interacted with the page.

We always identify the root causes of problems before we start creating solutions. That lets us be very pointed in the choices we make and it makes our work very effective. Data from sources like Google Analytics, social media & email platforms, and Hotjar allow us to accurately see how audiences interact with each part of a business. It lets us set benchmarks and expectations for each platform and a business overall. We can see what works well and what under-performs. That lets us promote the positive and boost the less successful.

In other words: understanding user behavior allows us to improve user experience!

User Experience Optimization in Holistic Marketing

User experience optimization is one of the most important parts of holistic marketing. Why? Because no matter how much traffic you drive or how well/consistently you communicate, if your users don’t like the experience on your website, they won’t become customers, subscribers, or donors!

Building a cohesive user experience starts with the expectations you set with cold traffic and continues through every bit of your website and marketing. That is why we include user experience optimizations within all of our holistic marketing systems. It means the difference between marketing campaigns that bring in goal conversions and campaigns that don’t.

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