Women wearing organic cotton Underwear from Y.O.U

Living Brand


Why We’re Elevating You Underwear

The brand has created a buy-one-give-two promise in partnership with Smalls for All, a Scottish charity that collects and distributes underwear to vulnerable women and children in Africa and the UK.

Their underwear is Fairtrade, PETA-approved vegan and made from 100% GOTS Certified Organic Cotton, and they work with one of India’s leading ethical and sustainable manufacturers. They have also embraced ethical marketing, and actively promote body positivity through their brand imagery and marketing strategies.
"We believe that conscious consumerism has the power to make a massive difference, and we're on a mission to prove that the cumulative effects of ethical shopping choices can be significant."

What Are the Benefits of Organic Cotton Underwear?

When it comes to underwear, organic cotton is likely the best material out there! Environmentally speaking, organic cotton is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can have negative impacts on the environment and the health of farmers and workers. By choosing organic cotton, you are supporting more sustainable farming practices that protect the planet and the people who grow our food and fiber.

Since organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful chemicals, it is less likely to cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. This is especially important for underwear, which is in direct contact with the sensitive skin in the genital area.

Organic cotton is also typically softer and more breathable than conventional cotton. This can make for a more comfortable and enjoyable wearing experience!!

Organic cotton, particularly from Y.O.U is produced using fair trade practices, which means that farmers and workers are paid a fair wage and work under safe conditions. By choosing organic cotton underwear, you can support a more ethical and sustainable supply chain.

The Y.O.U Underwear Brand Story

Y.O.U Underwear aims to become a business that leaves no negative trace on people or the environment through any part of its business structure. They are committed to ethical practice and sustainability across a diverse range of processes, from the sourcing of raw materials to manufacture, transport to packaging, marketing to employment.

They are especially committed to the social and environmental aspects of our impact, and seek to leave a positive legacy in both of these areas. They want to ensure the highest environmental and social standards in our product life cycle, business governance, customer relationships and in-house activities.